236 Boons Online

Sunday, 10th March - 2024

Huge thank you to milk for the graphics & to Exoquate for the badges!


Are you intrigued to find out What’s Happening on Habboon? Well, you’re in the right place - this bi-weekly article will cover all things Habboon and more! Stay tuned to find out more about the hotel, albeit rare rotations or staffing updates!

This is a section where we place a highlight on a segment of the hotel. These can either be individual users who deserve to be recognised for their kindness across the hotel, for being a good friend or an excellent event player.

Feel free to submit a user or community into the spotlight by clicking the link here.



This week, we’re placing a spotlight on bow nominated by Jade!


She's been part of the community since 2016. She’s also part of Boon Adventures.


Here’s Jade’s reasoning as to why she chose her:

“She’s always being kind and caring”


We’ve asked some questions for her:


“What do you do in Habboon on a daily basis?”

bow: I play habboon mainly for the boonadventures quests that get made monthly for the habboon community !! I am one for boon builder leaders ( boon builders is the team that create all boonadventures quests ) and have been for nearly 5 years !! Boon builders is the main reason I log onto habboon everyday as this team have made me motivated in testing myself with builds / wired but also lately I’ve been testing myself by creating graphics ( shout out user milk for always giving me feedback )


“What do you like most about playing Habboon?”

bow: This is a tough question as habboon can have some fantastic features but for me I like playing habboon mainly for boonadventures!! Each month the team creates a quest that I do at least 3/4 times a month !! They have daily events that get hosted which allows users to earn badges made by the boon builder teams ( IM A BADGE NERD SO KNOWING I CAN EARN BADGES IS WHY I KEEP PLAYING ) but you can also earn boonadventures tokens which can sometimes buy you some custom wearables that have been made by our beautiful boon builder creators !!


It’s time to keep up to date with all things that have happened within the hotel in the past weeks!

We are still accepting staff applications. Do you think you have what it takes? Do you want to contribute to the community? Apply now! For more information, click here.


Boon Adventures posted an article. Theme for this week is Library! There are lots of events & quests in store for you to enjoy for the month of March. To know more, click here.


New rares and wearables have been released. These can be found by heading to the Economy tab > Rares > Weekly Rares or Clothing Rares in the catalogue! You will also earn badges when purchasing them.





pepsidoge has also posted an article about Rare Rotations planned this March. For more details, you can click here.

Sentimental songs are the soulful melodies that have the remarkable ability to touch the deepest corners of our hearts and evoke a wide range of emotions. 


In this segment, we invite you to submit your favourite song and allow us to provide the emotions evoked by the lyrics and melody.


This week’s featured song is ‘The Night We Met’ by Lord Huron, submitted by user ads. Read our thoughts on the track down below!


kie: ugh the intro is gorgeous to this song, i listen to this regularly. nice soothing tones & lovely lyrics, it’s just beautiful really. great choice, ads!

pat: I actually heard this song through The Voice US audition by Lennon, and that’s where I searched its original version because the song is so beautiful. The lyrics will hit you so hard. Love the echoey effect, the arrangement and layer of harmonies is just so good. I forgot to add this to my Spotify playlist so I’m adding this now LOL. Gosh, I love this segment.


You can submit your song choices here - if your song gets selected, you will win 100 diamonds & an exclusive badge!

In this segment, we're here to offer our guidance to you, the wonderful players of Habboon.


Do you find yourself with a pressing question, one that's been keeping you up at night?


Think of us as your trusted advisors, ready to provide thoughtful responses to your questions. Whether it's a matter directly related to the hotel or any other topic that's on your mind, we're here to assist you in finding a reasonable and considerate solution.


So, go ahead and share your questions with us; we're your friendly 'agony aunts' for all things Habboon and beyond!"


A lucky user who submitted a question via random draw will get 100 diamonds!


emz has asked: ‘’Has there been anything that you have regretted doing/saying recently?


kie: Yeah. i regret agreeing to come away from uni to work mother’s day weekend in the cafe?. Jokes aside, i don’t regret anything tbf because everything’s happens for a reason & sometimes it’s natural to say things in those moments.


pat: I regret not pursuing something I really love to do. When I was in senior high, I didn’t take anything seriously at that time. I just chose a course to take in college that I don’t even know about. I only thought that it’s in high demand, but didn’t think about whether I would enjoy it. I should’ve taken medicine or meteorology. But yeah, life’s too short and we’re not getting any younger, so I accepted it and chose this path. I got a job with it (not enjoying it, but hey, I earn money LOL). I just need to find this passion with the path I’m taking, maybe in the future I can find something I like.

If you have a question you’d love to ask us, submit one here!

It’s time to put your puzzle-solving skills to the test - with wit and determination, solving the brain teaser correctly will earn you a spot in our random prize draw. 

These puzzles may range from riddles that tickle your curiosity to brainteasers which will require your intellect!


In the last edition of the article, we challenged users to answer a Sudoku Puzzle.

Congratulations goes to user fairies for being the lucky winner in the random generator - they will win 250 Diamonds and an Exclusive Badge for correctly answering the Sudoku puzzle!

The answers may vary and it’s been thoroughly checked.


Congratulations as well to ads, emz, Avery, kachow, Millenia, Conquerorworm, jade, vx, knut & cakeh who also correctly answered the puzzle!

This week's edition is Word Search - Easter Edition.

Just find the given words in the grid below:


Words to search:

basket bunny candies
carrot celebration chocolate
christian egg rabbit


Just submit the screenshot with the answers.


The submission link can be found here!


Thanks for reading this week's edition of Habboon Happenings! 


Kie (_Kie.)

pat (.kingpatrick)


Comments (4)

hus 11 months ago

i love the heart eyes


bow 1 year ago

I love you Jade <33


misty 1 year ago

WOO DAK!!!! <3


Wickd 1 year ago

first first first

Latest Comments 4

i love the heart eyes

I love you Jade <33

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