281 Boons Online


Welcome to Boon Adventures with your hosts, linds and cookie!



BA Leader

BA Leader


And your Boon Builder’s team staff members: bow, duh and milk!






BB Staff

BB Staff

BB Staff




This is a monthly article based on various event-related games, including but not limited to:


mazes wired games board games mind games escape rooms competitions


Some of these games are designed to test your wit, your patience, and your problem-solving skills, while others are competitive and fun for everyone. On the 1st of every month (unless otherwise), a new game or event will be up for you lucky Booners to participate in to challenge yourselves and win some nifty things!


Everything we make is assisted by the Boon Builders Team!

You can view the members who helped create this theme below! Give them a big THANK YOU when you see them in-client!








Builder; Wirer

Builder; Wirer

Builder; Wirer














Without further ado … drumroll … our next theme for the month of March is:



We have heard that there is a treasure hidden in this library! Hidden in every nook and cranny of this library are hints as to where this treasure is. You need to go to the different sections of the library to seek out these secrets.


There will be four badges you need to collect that piece together like a puzzle. The badge has a secret message on it that can be deciphered by finding clues throughout the quest. When you reach the end of the quest, you will be instructed to say the decoded phrase that is on the book badge on a specific spot. However, the spot will not be given to you directly. You must find out which spot to say it in in the upstairs room- there may be a hint hidden for this along the way!  Once you have found the spot and decoded the phrase on the book badge, you must stand on the spot, wear all the badges found, and say the secret message. 


Once you have, you will open a secret entrance to a secret room! Who knows what you might find....


The Library quest opens on March 01, 2024.

To start, go to [LIB] Boon Adventures Library - Entrance owned by cookie.



Get ready for some fun Library themed in-client events this month!  


We will be hosting these events periodically throughout the month and will notify everyone when the events will be hosted in our Boon Adventures discord server! Don’t forget to join and react in the #roles channel to receive an Event Notification role ping when we are hosting!



Mixed events in a special book themed room will be hosted throughout the month that feature your usual mixed event minigames like: snake run, melting carpet, bank game and more! Rules for each minigame will be given during the event.


Prizes: 1 Boon Adventures Token and a badge.



Pac-man game style! Players need to collect X number of books in X amount of time, while avoiding the librarians walking around.


Prizes: 2 Boon Adventures Tokens and a badge.



Thing Races is a 5-player game in which five cats are racing and users sit on the spot of which cat they think will win. The user who predicts the winner, wins!


Prizes: 1 Boon Adventures Token and a badge.


Click the discord icon below to join our Boon Adventures discord server!


Calling all book enthusiasts to have insightful dialogues with your fellow bookworms!

In the designated discord channel, the members will have various discussions about different books. We encourage all participants to share their thoughts on the different topics and recommend their favorite books to others. Overall, please make the discussions kind and respectful since we want this as a safe place for fellow book lovers to discuss.


Prize: a badge.



I Spy with my Little Eye is a guessing game!

In the designated discord channel, Boon Builders staff will say, “I spy with my little eye - a book related to X”. The first user who correctly guesses the book, wins!


Prizes: 5 Boon Adventures Token and a badge.



The members on our Boon Builders team do so much for the hotel by creating fun and unique events each month. So, of course, they deserve some compensation! 


Above are the winners for three different categories:


Builders, Wired Experts and Graphics/Badge Creators.


 For Builders, we have user bow. You can preview this user’s work in the following rooms:

[LIB] The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe

[LIB] Divergent
[LIB] It Ends With Us
[LIB] The Fault In Our Stars
[LIB] The Very Hungry Caterpillar
[LIB] End Room


 For Wired Experts, we have user Jade. You can preview this user’s work in the following rooms:

[LIB] Gruffalo

[LIB] Cat in the Hat
[LIB] If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
[LIB] No David!
[LIB] Blood Lanes
[LIB] A Series of Unfortunate Events
[LIB] The Lost Bookshop
[LIB] Hunger Games
[LIB] The Witcher


 For Pixel Artists, we have user milk. You can preview this user’s work in the following rooms/graphics:

[LIB] The Very Hungry Caterpillar

[LIB] The Fault in Our Stars
[LIB] Narnia
[BA] The Woman in Black

For Badge Creators, we have user duh. You can preview this user’s work in the following badges:


Each winner is determined by who did the most in each category AND how hard they worked. The top winner in each category will receive 500 diamonds and a badge that matches our theme. This month’s badge is:



Congratulations to the Boon Builders members above! 



Big thank you to the entire Boon’s Builders team for providing most of the building, graphics, badges and wired help on all of the rooms. We want to let them know we appreciate all of the work each member does. You guys deserve so much praise.


You can notice them in the hotel wearing one of the badges below!



 If you’d like to join the team, click here to submit an application!


Join the Boon Adventures discord server by clicking here where you can get information quickly, join competitions, and get help in rooms sooner.


If you have any questions, concerns or ideas, feel free to PM one of us on Discord.


lindsgal   •   thelma

Comments (5)

moon 1 year ago



hus 1 year ago



devil 1 year ago



cookie 1 year ago



bow 1 year ago

IM READY TO BE A BOOK NERD !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Latest Comments 5



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