452 Boons Online

Sunday, 26th January, 2025

Huge thanks to omen for the graphics & Exoquate for the badges!


Are you intrigued to find out What’s Happening on Habboon? Well, you’re in the right place - this bi-weekly article will cover all things Habboon and more! Stay tuned to find out more about the hotel, albeit rare rotations or staffing updates!

This is a section where we place a highlight on a segment of the hotel. These can either be individual users who deserve to be recognised for their kindness across the hotel, for being a good friend or an excellent event player.


Feel free to submit a user or community into the spotlight by clicking the link here.


This week, we’re placing a spotlight on megs, nominated by lena!


megs has been part of the community since 2023. You can see her chatting and hanging out with her friends!


Here is lena’s reasoning as to why she chose her:


“She is simply the most amazing person I know. Juggling life with 2 kids but still able to be a hoot to be around on Boon, while mastering the wired skill and nailing completing mazes like she got paid for it! I love her.”


We’ve asked some questions for her:


“What is one word to best describe Habboon?”

megs: “I would say its interesting!


“If you could only play one event game for the rest of your time on Habboon, what would it be?”

megs: “It's gotta be the classic Heaven or Hell!”


It’s time to keep up to date with all things that have happened within the hotel in the past weeks!




Happy 5th birthday, Connect! The team has organized a series of events for your enjoyment. Click the image below for more information.


Habboon has conducted an Infobus feedback session. If you have missed the session and want to share some cool ideas to improve the retro, feel free to fill out the form by clicking the image below.


Habboon Developers have updated some features for better user experience. This involves marketplace, commands, tool updates, and more. For more information, kindly click here to join our Discord server and go to #updates channel.




Since the last Habboon Happenings update we have unfortunately had to say goodbye to Tom, jenny and facelift. We thank them for everything they’ve done for Habboon, and wish them well!


On the other hand, prat, nerd and tatiana have passed their trials and are now Moderators. Make sure to congratulate them when you see them around the hotel.




You can now spend your credits and duckets in the updated Rares section. These can be found by heading to the Economy tab > Rares in the catalogue! You will earn badges upon purchasing.


For diamond consumers, the Diamond Shop has been updated.



Economy tab > Diamond Shop > Diamond Clothing



Economy tab > Diamond Shop > Diamond Rares


To the VIP users, the VIP Shop has been updated. Head on to Economy tab > VIP Shop > Bonus Rares.


You can buy badges in the updated Badges section. Just head on to Furniture > Badge Shop:



Returning Badges


Monthly Rotation

Sentimental songs are the soulful melodies that have the remarkable ability to touch the deepest corners of our hearts and evoke a wide range of emotions. 


In this segment, we invite you to submit your favourite song and allow us to provide the emotions evoked by the lyrics and melody.

This week’s featured song is No One Noticed by The Marias, submitted by user Croat. Read our thoughts on the track down below!


omen: This is such a nice, chill song and I love the singers vocals! I would definitely listen to this when I just want to relax and chill out.

pat: A chill and calm song to listen to. Her voice is very unique and soft too. You can feel like you’re comforted with the song. A must listen.


You can submit your song choices here - if your song gets selected, you will win 100 diamonds and an exclusive badge! Please approach either toad or pat to give you the badge of your choice.

In this segment, we're here to offer our guidance to you, the wonderful players of Habboon. 


Do you find yourself with a pressing question, one that's been keeping you up at night?


Think of us as your trusted advisors, ready to provide thoughtful responses to your questions. Whether it's a matter directly related to the hotel or any other topic that's on your mind, we're here to assist you in finding a reasonable and considerate solution.


So, go ahead and share your questions with us; we're your friendly 'agony aunts' for all things Habboon and beyond!"


A lucky user who submitted a question via random draw will get 100 diamonds!

has asked:What are you most excited for in 2025?”


omen: I think I'm most excited to have yet another year to spend with my family. I'm really close with my younger cousins so I love being able to see how they grow as individuals.


pat: I’m excited for more growth and opportunities that come in my way.


If you have a question you’d love to ask us, submit one here!


It’s time to put your puzzle-solving skills to the test - with wit and determination, solving the brain teaser correctly will earn you a spot in our random prize draw. 


These puzzles may range from riddles that tickle your curiosity to brainteasers which will require your intellect!


In the last edition of the article, we challenged users to finish Dingbats.


Congratulations goes to user Gentleman for being the lucky winner - they will win 250 diamonds and an exclusive Badge for correctly answering all items. Please approach either toad or pat to give you the badge of your choice.


Here were last week's answers:

1. Mind over matter




2. One in a million



3. Scrambled eggs



4. Happy hour



5. Eiffel Tower







This week's edition is Guess the Gibberish

Gibberish words will be provided, and through those words, you have to find the correct answer that comes from that gibberish. It can be a person, an object, a phrase, etc.


though wok calves aim

ANSWER: the walk of shame

ping hut bud her in gel lee

day lee or rows cope

bep her own knee peas uh

high dance eek

is bunch pops queer pans


In order to win the prize, you must correctly figure out all of the gibberish, shown above, to be entered into the prize draw!

Just submit your answers in the submission link found here!

Thanks for reading this week's edition of Habboon Happenings! 



omen (.carleigh_) 
& pat (.kingpatrick)

Comments (3)

devi 1 month ago

To My Dearest Tom, I will miss your ASMR voice. Best, Devi


bow 1 month ago



megs 1 month ago


Latest Comments 3

To My Dearest Tom, I will mi...


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