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Massive thank you to bub for the amazing graphics!

Welcome to WTFriday!

This week's edition of WTFriday is brought to you by Kaydee and bub!

WTFriday exclusive badges


Every two weeks, a moderator will throw a fun question at you! Got something clever to say? Submit your answer, and all valid responses will go into a spinning wheel of fortune. One lucky answer will be featured in the article and earn 100 diamonds and an exclusive badge! Feeling lucky? 

This week’s question in brought to you by Kaydee 

Kaydee asks: If the purge was real, what crime would you commit first and why?


Click here to get your groove on!

Psst…a little bird told me the best tea is served boiling hot! Got some juicy gossip, a spicy confession, a clever quote, or a bit of life advice you’re just itching to share? Now’s your chance to dish it out! 

What's the catch? If your submission is chosen, it will be posted anonymously! However, we do require your username during submission for the badge and 100 diamonds to be given to.

And hey, if it doesn’t make this article, your submission might just appear in the spotlight in the next one. 

Don’t hold back— click the get spilling tea below or click here to spill the tea!



sleepydaze asks: What are the foreign languages you'd like to learn or master?

lily (Creator): do want to learn mandarin someday

mich (Manager): I'm working towards a PhD in Gaslighting

Kaydee (Senior Moderator): French or Italian!

Paige (Senior Moderator): Probably something like Japanese mayhapz

Childish (Moderator): Double Dutch

abigail (Moderator): GREAT QUESTION!!!! i’d like to learn dutch

bub (Moderator): spanish just porque suena sexy

toad (Moderator): Probably spanish, idk why it just sounds cool

violet (Moderator): Spanish, I tried during lockdown but I soon gave up

kels (Moderator): French. I know a fair bit so I feel like if I was less lazy I could learn it properly.

twink (Moderator): I’d like to learn spanish fluently so i can say more than “una cerveza s’il vous plait”

mac (Moderator): Mandarin tradition Chinese! it looks really cool but i would never be able to understand it

alphamalehunk (Moderator): Japanese

Cameron (Moderator): Minion

prat (Trial Moderator): Italian and Gaelic! Italian is my favourite of the romance languages, and I love Italian Jazz and fashion. Gaelic is the language of my ancestors which isn't very commonly spoken anymore, I'd love to keep it alive.

nerd (Trial Moderator): Not a foreign language, but I’ve learnt Makaton sign language in the past that I would love to master, along with BSL.

tatiana (Trial Moderator): Probably my own language portuguese annnd danish since thats what my boyfriend speaks!!



boyband asks: If event games took place in real life, which event would you be best at?

lily (Creator): spelling bee perhaps

mich (Manager): You've asked this question already, you're delusional. I guess I'll repeat myself and say General Knowledge Races because I have knowledge of weird niche things and it's my slow typing that puts me at a great disadvantage in-game

Kaydee (Senior Moderator): I wouldn’t be best at any.

Paige (Senior Moderator): BANZAI RUN, I just think my luck is good LOL


Childish (Moderator): general knowledge races in the pub, same six thoughters around one table. unstoppable.

abigail (Moderator): HH

bub (Moderator): probably fastest typer cause im such a yapper

toad (Moderator): Heaven or hell fooooor sure

violet (Moderator): Heaven or hell, I’ll end up at one of them

kels (Moderator): Heaven or hell. I’m good at standing still and maladaptive daydreaming so I’d be good at that.

twink (Moderator): Lights Out because I’m a Pro at walking to the fridge when the lights are out

mac (Moderator): Snake run bc i love big snakes!

alphamalehunk (Moderator): Melting Carpets.

Cameron (Moderator): Falling Furni but I get crushed underneath

prat (Trial Moderator): Snake Run! I'm dazzlingly agile.

nerd (Trial Moderator): Trivia based games and unusual game. Definitely not snakerun, I’d be even worse at it in real life. 

tatiana (Trial Moderator): Honestly that's a good question, I think melting carpets!!



lillers asks: What did you get for your birthday?

kels (Moderator): I GOT

some fancy noise cancelling headphones, some perfume, a lush gift set, a matcha whisk and a new suitcase

twinnie_star asks: What is something people would never guess just by looking at you?

Childish (Moderator): everyone says I have a resting bitch face so probably that i’m actually a half decent girl with a shite accent. Cheers twinster x


    Click the ‘home’ button below or click here to send in your questions!   


That is it for this week, folks! Thank you for reading and to those who submitted questions/ tea. Remember, you can submit your own question by clicking the ‘home’ button above. 


Did your question/ tea feature in this week's edition? Contact Kaydee or bub in-game or on Discord kaydees or lunaxea to receive your exclusive badge! 

Yours Sincerely, Kaydee & bub

Comments (4)

bow 2 months ago



lilxc 2 months ago

nice graphics and interesting answers, congrats to those who got their questions chosen ^_^


twinnie_star 2 months ago

Cheers childish XD !! And also love the graphics damnnn....


toad 2 months ago

the new graphics ATE DOWN

Latest Comments 4


nice graphics and interesting...

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