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Massive thank you to user Tay and Kaydee for the amazing article headers.

Welcome to WTFriday!


This week's edition of WTFriday is brought to you by Kaydee and luna!


But... What is WTFriday?

Well, I'm glad you asked. WTFriday is a bi-weekly article where you, or any user, can learn more about the staff members here at Habboon. You can enter ANY question you want to know about them (that's right... ANY question) with the chance of it being published in a WTFriday article and win diamonds and a super cool badge! Of course, the questions must be clean and appropriate, however.


You are able to ask two different types of questions. The first being a personal question and the second being a group question.


What is the difference between a 'Personal' and 'Group' question?

A personal question is one that is directly aimed at a specific staff member. Only they will answer this question for you. Whereas a group question is asked to the entire staff team and anyone who responds on the staff team will be published, no matter how crazy. Remember, it is important to ask those personal questions also! 


What happens if my question is picked?

If you get chosen, your question will be featured (and answered) in our bi-weekly article and you will also receive one of six WTFriday exclusive badges which you can see below as well as 100 diamonds!


Join us in the SPOOKY festivities of October! ANY user who dares to submit a (legitimate) question, whether or not it's chosen, will be enchanted with an exclusive Halloween badge below. Happy WTFri-ing and Happy Halloween! <3




Demerci asks: What is one memorable Halloween moment you had?

lily (Creator): not one moment in particular but i'll always remember driving around with my family on halloween night to go trick or treating. that was over a decade ago but i remember how fun it was

Kaydee (Senior Moderator): Back in 2016 people would dress up as clowns and call themselves “creepy clowns”. They would roam the street and scare you with some sort of weapon. Scary shit.

Paige (Senior Moderator): When Covid was rife and obvs people couldn’t go out so we did an indoor trick or treat hunt for my younger siblings, was literally the cutest thing

kie (Moderator): I went to one of them zombie halloween things with the actors that scare you. i was probably in there for around 30 seconds & then i spent 4 hours stood in the carpark whilst my friends walked around

mac (Moderator): Having a party with my family playing games all night!

kels (Moderator): Halloween party when I was 16 - got so drunk that this girl fell over, smashed a plant pot with her head because she fell that hard, and when I tried to help her up she headbutted me by accident and knocked me out. Good times!

Childish (Moderator): going trick or treating, what a time to be alive.

abigail (Moderator): when i was 13 and got into a shaving cream war with the people on my block

luna (Moderator): Sadly 'trick-or-treating' is not common here. I was part of the school committee and had to organize a halloween camp for my cohort. Planning, decorating and being a scare actress for the haunted house was such a good time.

toad (Moderator): One year when i was trick-or-treating a guy pretended to be a scarecrow, jumpscared me, and it startled me so bad that i ran down the driveway and halfway back home before my dad caught up to me <3



V asks: If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

lily (Creator): flying cause wouldnt it be cool

Kaydee (Senior Moderator): Superhuman strength like Mr. Incredible. Imagine being able to pick up a car with one hand in the air… 

Paige (Senior Moderator): Teleportation. I’m lazy and this would asssit me in continuing to be lazy.

kie (Moderator): dr strangers power pls ty 

mac (Moderator): To make user kie fall out of love with me

kels (Moderator): Ability to absorb books and their stories just by touching them. My TBR is 100+ books long. I might be dead before I finish it :)

Childish (Moderator): ability to read minds; it would be Very interesting to see what others are thinking (Apart from those on the RP sofas in the hub)

abigail (Moderator): mind reading so i know what my haters think of me

luna (Moderator): The ability to time travel so I can procrastinate a Little more

toad (Moderator): Probably invisibility because I'm very introverted and like to just be on my own and unseen sometimes!



Etransfer asks: What is an embarassing moment in your life which you with you could do over?

mac (Moderator): My most embarrassing in my life which i would never chose to relive is when i was 13 i went to the whacky, went down a slide straight into another kids wet poop, all of the kids ran out covered in it... i cried. 

twinnie_star asks: What do you feel most passionate about?

kie (Moderator): Great question! There’s too many things I feel passionate about. The first being the cafe that I work part time in, I’ve been with this cafe since it opened 6 and a half years ago so seeing it go from strength to strength is amazing and i love it. The second, no surprise, is theatre (particularly musicals) - this is my happy place and where I try to go to relax and just have a jolly old time. Finally, my Masters degree is also a passion of mine at the moment & having recently started a placement in a primary school, it’s made me realise how much I want to head down this career path.



 Click the submit button below or click here to send in your questions!                 

That is it for this week, folks! Thank you for reading and to those who submitted questions. Remember, you can submit your own question by clicking the submit button above. 

Did your question feature in this week's edition? Contact Kaydee or luna in-game or on Discord kaydees or lunaxea to receive your exclusive badge! 

- Kaydee & luna

Comments (4)

twinnie_star 3 days ago

hahaha mac XD


SITRain 3 days ago

The responses TT LMAO


wasp 3 days ago



Demerci 3 days ago

Omg some of these responses. Some are hilarious and other make me wanna give them a hug. Thank you all for giving us a brief glimpse of your Halloween past :)

Latest Comments 4

hahaha mac XD

The responses TT LMAO

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