Boon Adventures #50
Posted by cookie on the 3rd of June 2024
Welcome to Boon Adventures with your hosts, linds and cookie!
And your Boon Builder’s team staff members: duh and milk!
This is a monthly article based on various event-related games, including but not limited to:
mazes • wired games • board games • mind games • escape rooms • competitions
Some of these games are designed to test your wit, your patience, and your problem-solving skills, while others are competitive and fun for everyone. On the 1st of every month (unless otherwise), a new game or event will be up for you lucky Booners to participate in to challenge yourselves and win some nifty things!
Everything we make is assisted by the Boon Builders Team!
You can view the members who helped create this theme below! Give them a big THANK YOU when you see them in-client!
This is our 50th article and for this month we wanted to do something extra special!
First and foremost, thank you so much to all of the Boon Builders Team members past and present who have helped contribute to Boon Adventures throughout the past almost 5 years we’ve been active. NONE of this is possible without any of you.
Without further ado … drumroll … our next theme for the month of June is:
Only the Best is Good Enough
Welcome to the beautiful world of LEGO, an exciting adventure filled with colorful stacked bricks! In this linear quest, you are exploring this world to complete a series of mini-games and challenges. Each room in the LEGO quest is designed to test your creativity and imagination to solve and come up with solutions to pass each challenge.
So, what are you waiting for? Grab your LEGOs and let us get started on this epic adventure!
May the bricks be ever in your favor!
The LEGO quest opens on June 03, 2024.
To start, go to [LEGO] Entrance owned by BoonAdventures.
Everything is awesome!
Get ready for some fun LEGO themed in-client events this month!
We will be hosting these events periodically throughout the month and will notify everyone when the events will be hosted in our Boon Adventures discord server! Don’t forget to join and react in the #roles channel to receive an Event Notification role ping when we are hosting!
Below are the badges you can earn through in-client events!
2-player hosted event
In this two-player game, you need to stack your own Lego piece first on top of your opponent’s Lego piece for you to win.
Prizes: 3 Boon Adventures Tokens and a badge.
Multiplayer hosted event
In this team game, it's all about rolling a dice to decide your team's fate! Come play this classic game with us, but renewed in LEGO style!
Prizes: 5 Boon Adventures Token and a badge.
Mixed events in a special LEGO themed room will be hosted throughout the month that feature your usual mixed event mini-games like: snake run, melting carpet, bank game and more! Rules for each mini-game will be given during the event.
Prizes: 1 Boon Adventures Token and a badge.
4-player hosted event
The board game event has a path that is made with colored tiles. The goal of the game is for the user to reach the end of the path before their opponents do.
Hosts move a dice around and each player takes turns rolling the dice. They move however many spaces the dice tells them to.
Prizes: 5 Boon Adventures Token and a badge.
2-player hosted event
In this two-player game, you compete with your opponent to be the first to reach the end of the race track first. Each player will control and will be in charge of a kart.
Prizes: 3 Boon Adventures Token and a badge.
Click the discord icon below to join our Boon Adventures discord server!
Below are the badges you can earn through Discord events!
[NOTE: This competition is on hiatus until bug fixes are done on our LEGO furniture line. We will keep you all updated on when this competition will be underway. We will host this eventually, so do not worry!]
Users must build a room with JUST our LEGO furniture line.
They will submit a screenshot of their room in the designated channel on our Discord server. All participants will receive a badge. The top three best builds will win 50 Boon Adventures tokens, a LEGO Man trophy, and a badge.
Note: In submitting your entry, please include the room name and follow this template: [LEGO-Build] username. Also, please make sure to make your room visible on the navigator and do not put a password or doorbell.
Prizes: 50 Boon Adventures Tokens, LEGO Man trophy and a badge.
Users must send in photos of their LEGO builds with a piece of paper that has their Habboon username on it. They will submit their photos in the LEGO-builders championship channel on our Discord server. All participants will receive a badge. The top three best builds will win 50 Boon Adventures tokens, a LEGO Man trophy, and a badge.
Prizes: 50 Boon Adventures Tokens, LEGO Man trophy and a badge.
Create your own LEGO person by using the provided template and show us your most creative LEGO figure! Anything goes, just make sure that the template is still recognizable. The template will be provided in the designated channel on Boon Adventures discord server. All participants will receive a badge. The top three winners will receive 30 Boon Adventures tokens, a LEGO Man trophy, and a badge.
Prizes: 30 Boon Adventures Tokens, LEGO Man trophy and a badge.
The members on our Boon Builders team do so much for the hotel by creating fun and unique events each month. So, of course, they deserve some compensation!
Above are the winners for three different categories:
Builders, Wired Experts and Graphics/Badge Creators.
For Builders, we have user kels. You can preview this user’s work in the following rooms:
[LEGO] Tavern
[BA-LEGO] Board Game
For Wired Experts, we have user Jade. You can preview this user’s work in the following rooms:
[LEGO] Tavern
[LEGO] London
[LEGO] Taj Mahal
[LEGO] Pirates of the Carribean
[LEGO] Potted Plant
[LEGO] River Thames
For Pixel Artist, we have user cookie. You can preview this user’s work in the following rooms/graphics:
Lego furniture line
For Badge Creators, we have user duh. You can preview this user’s work in the following badges:
Each winner is determined by who did the most in each category AND how hard they worked. The top winner in each category will receive 500 diamonds and a badge that matches our theme.
Congratulations to the Boon Builders members above!
Big thank you to the entire Boon’s Builders team for providing most of the building, graphics, badges and wired help on all of the rooms. We want to let them know we appreciate all of the work each member does. You guys deserve so much praise.
You can notice them in the hotel wearing one of the badges below!
If you’d like to join the team, click here to submit an application!
Join the Boon Adventures discord server by clicking here where you can get information quickly, join competitions, and get help in rooms sooner.
If you have any questions, concerns or ideas, feel free to PM one of us on Discord.
lindsgal • thelma
? Everything is awesome! Everything is cool when you’re part of a team! ?
Want to become a master builder? Maybe a master wirer or graphic designer? Boon’s Builders Team is looking for more creative people to join! We are hoping to bring in some new builders, wirers and pixel artists to the team.
You will become a part of a great team of people, everyone loves creating quests and activities for the users of Habboon. It is totally OK if you do not have lots of experience in any of the departments, as we have members who will help you improve and learn. Please do not hesitate to ask any of the BB members any question, and do not hesitate to apply!
What’s in it for me?
Everyone on the team receives compensation for their hard work for the hotel! Once you are on the team, each build, wired, or pixel art you create grants you Boon Builders Tokens which you can use to spend in our exclusive Boon Builders Team shop. Our shop consists of rare furniture, wearables, and badges and rotates each month! The prices are also a fair bargain in comparison to our public Boon Adventures Shop.