WTFriday #61
Posted by bub on the 16th of March 2024
Massive thank you to user Tay and Kaydee for the amazing article headers.
Welcome to WTFriday!
This week's edition of WTFriday is brought to you by Kaydee and luna!
But... What is WTFriday?
Well, I'm glad you asked. WTFriday is a bi-weekly article where you, or any user, can learn more about the staff members here at Habboon. You can enter ANY question you want to know about them (that's right... ANY question) with the chance of it being published in a WTFriday article and win diamonds and a super cool badge! Of course, the questions must be clean and appropriate, however.
You are able to ask two different types of questions. The first being a personal question and the second being a group question.
What is the difference between a 'Personal' and 'Group' question?
A personal question is one that is directly aimed at a specific staff member. Only they will answer this question for you. Whereas a group question is asked to the entire staff team and anyone who responds on the staff team will be published, no matter how crazy. Remember, it is important to ask those personal questions also!
What happens if my question is picked? EXCLUSIVELY FOR THIS MONTH
To celebrate Easter this month! ANY user who submits a (legitimate) question for the month of March, whether or not it's chosen, will be given an exclusive purple Easter WTFri badge. Plus, if your question gets picked, you’ll also be given the exclusive gold Easter WTFri badge as shown below.
Happy WTFri-ing and Happy Easter! <3
soosh asks: What is your biggest fear?
linds (Creator): losing my family
cookie (Creator): My biggest fear is someone doing :pickall on all of the BA quests.
Michaela (Manager): women getting rights
jordan (Manager): I dont have fears
Kaydee (Senior Moderator): Losing my family.
Paige (Senior Moderator): Spiders. Legit hate them. It’s a phobia more than a fear.
Pat (Moderator): fear of losing him..... jk LOL, fear of embarrassment or humiliation
kie (Moderator): Michaela
Cameron (Moderator): Women.
bulb (Moderator): Getting dementia.
chic Moderator): Death around me.
luna (Moderator): for someone to know what my biggest fear is
lil (Moderator): Oranges and holes
kels (Moderator): Moths
abigail (Moderator): HEIGHTS
lance (Moderator): michaela
Millenia asks: If you were to go to jail, what would the reason be and why?
linds (Creator): murdering port for cheating on me
cookie (Creator): I'm a good girl, I wouldn't go to jail :)
Michaela (Manager): public urination (cameron had it coming)
jordan (Manager): Murder of user Mich, do I need a reason?
Kaydee (Senior Moderator): Heavily Intoxicated… do I need to say more ahha!
Paige (Senior Moderator): Murder or assault, I just hate people.
Pat (Moderator): i'm a good boi :angel:
kie (Moderator): telling people to shut up & stealing their phones in a theatre. i don’t wanna see ur phone screen i wanna see laura pick belting her face off singing defying gravity.
Cameron (Moderator): Women. Because they’re women.
bulb (Moderator): Drug related. Whoopsie.
chic Moderator): I’d quickly die before I found myself in jail, I’m sorry.
luna (Moderator): to be acting on my biggest fear
lil (Moderator): I’m too much of a good girl sorry
kels (Moderator): Refusing to pay for the bags at the til in Tesco and taking one anyways :)
abigail (Moderator): for having a phat ass
lance (Moderator): horny jail
elxd asks: what is it like to have the best boon bestie ever?
pat (Moderator): it's like having a huge support system who's always there for me no matter what and it's also like having someone who never makes my boon life boring af ?
e-girl asks: Do you wanna spend easter with me? <3
lance (Moderator): im already spending it with user phiip and tay sry
Click the submit button below or click here to send in your questions!
That is it for this week, folks! Thank you for reading and to those who submitted questions. Remember, you can submit your own question by clicking the submit button above.
Did your question feature in this week's edition? Contact Kaydee or luna in-game or on Discord kaydees or .lunaa. to receive your exclusive badge!
- Kaydee & luna