236 Boons Online

(Huge thank you to ebe for the lovely graphics!)

Welcome to Gamer of the Week!

Hosted by Michaela & Kaydee

Welcome back, Booners! GOTW stands for Gamer of the Week, which rewards the top events players of the past seven days. For every hotel alerted event that you win, you will be awarded GOTW points and diamonds!

You can keep track of the number of GOTW points you have accumulated per week by looking at the top right hand corner of your screen. At the end of the week, these points are added up and the top three win a groovy badge! We hope you are all excited and ready, and may the best Booners win! 

To help new events players out, we've created a compilation of all the games and rules that can be hosted during events. Whether you're a newbie or looking to refresh your memory, check it out by clicking here!

Listen up Booners! The season of love is upon us, so not only is the lovely Kaydee joining GOTW - but there will be a chance for gamers to share the love by donating a GOTW point all throughout February!

If you win any game in a hotel-alerted event (except for Heaven or Hell - sorry!), you will then be asked to pick 1 user who was also playing the game to receive 1 GOTW point too! The user must have been playing the current game to be eligible to be donated, but as of yet there are no restrictions on the amount of donations that a user can receive (begging, bribing, toxicity will be monitored to see if this part will change). So put your best sportsman cap on and try and woo your fellow gamers to get a bonus GOTW point!


That’s not all! At the end of every week in February, all users who achieve 14 GOTW points or more, will receive the following badge to proudly display and show off your skills!

Congratulations to the top three players this week!

Here are the results:


matt with 36 points! 


vx with 21 points!


russ with 19 points!

This week's winners will get to choose one of these funky badges!

This week's winner will also get to bring home the following:

1ST PLACE: Gold Cup Trophy + badge + 30,000 credits + 20,000 duckets + 250 diamonds! 

2ND PLACE: Silver Cup Trophy + badge + 25,000 credits + 15,000 duckets + 200 diamonds!

3RD PLACE: Bronze Cup Trophy + badge + 20,000 credits + 10,000 duckets + 150 diamonds!

Winners have ONE WEEK to claim their prizes. Please find Michaela or Kaydee in-game to receive your prizes! 

A big thank you to those of you who hosted and played events this week! 

Please note: if you place in the top three this week, or if you have received a player strike, you will not be able to place in next week's article. 

 In the event of a tie, the tied players are placed into a random generator to determine the winner.

If you have any questions, feel free to message us on Discord!


Keep hitting those victory royales gamers!

Michaela & Kaydee
mickylah | kaydees

Comments (1)

bow 1 year ago

wooo nerds

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